There is a table on Astromarkt that enables you to quickly see if your sun sign matches your partner's sign or if your Venus, Mars or Moon match. Click here to see it. But, there is more than matching signs. However, it takes some knowledge of astrology to see if you and your partner share aspects (click to see what that means) or to see if your positions make aspects with your partner's chart (that is called: synastry). What if you just want to see if your days of birth are matching and how? Here you can see if there is an important aspect between the suns of you and your partner and what it means, or: How does your birthday match with your partner's? Just check it, for fun.
Every birthday has a number for each degree of the sun. There are 360 degrees. It is simple: day number 1 - day number 2 and then see what the result means. Attention: if one of the number is > larger than 180, than ad 360 degrees with the smallest number. If you don't find the result related to an aspect in the list, then go to the table of matching signs on Astromarkt
1. You born February 11 (number 322) and he born December 2 (250). Difference = 72. That is between 70.5 and 73.5 and that means that you two are able to create your own special world together.
2. You born April 1, he born May 17. Difference (56-11) = 45. Living together is sometimes a frustrating challenge for both of you.
3. A more difficult example:
June 1 and December 31 (70 and 279=430 en 279=151).
January 1 (281) 15 (295) 30 (310) (Example: January 20 januari = 295+5=300)
February 1 (312) 15 (326)
March 1 (340), 15 (354), 30 (10)
April 1 (11(, 15 (25) 30 (40)
May 1 (41), 15 (54), 30 (69)
June 1 (70), 15 (84), 30 (98)
July 1 (99), 11 (109) 21 (118) en 31 (128)
August 1 (129), 15 (142), 30 (157)
September 1 (158), 11 (168), 15 (172), 30 (188)
October 1 (187), 11 (198), 15 (202), 31 (217) (NB 5 oktober = 187+4=191)
November 1 (218) 11 (229), 21 (230)
December 1 (249), 11 (259), 21 (269), 31 (279)
0-5 Living together as ONE
43-47 Sometimes living together is a frustrating challenge
50-53 You know how to learn to live together
57-63 You accept each other as you are
66-69 Living together is sometimes frustrating, but challenging
70.5 – 73.5 You can create your own little world
85-95 Opposites attract each other (and sometimes fight each other
115-125 You are the lights in each other’s life
133-137 Sometimes frustrating, but attractive
148-152 One of the two has to surrender, there is little balance
163-167 You are almost obsessed and stick like glue
175-185 Completely different, there must be something else that keeps you going
Of course, this is not the complete story of your partnership, but just one (important) part of it. And remember, if you don't find the result related to an aspect in the list, then go to the table of matching signs on Astromarkt
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This blog is about astrology, natal and progressed charts, synastry and love, romance, marriage and divorce.
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zaterdag 19 december 2009
donderdag 17 december 2009
Famous couple: Meryl Streep and Don Gummer
Meryl Streep (June 22, 1949, at 7:05 a.m. EST Summit) has a long lasting marriage with Don Gummer (born December 12, 1946 in Louisville). They are married since 1978 and their Sun signs don't even match!
She is a Cancer, he is a Sagittarius. Her Moon is in Taurus and his in Leo (and that gives a strong will and perseverance!). Her Mercury in Gemini doesn't match with his in Scorpio. Her Mars in Gemini is in a sign opposite his Mars in Sagittarius! Jupiter in Aquarius doesn't match with Jupiter in Scorpio, either. It doesn't stop raining not matching signs! How come that they are still together?
'Goodwill and willingness to bend', Meryl Streep said. And there is one great aspect that shows goodwill: VENUS exactly TRINE VENUS. That harmonious aspect between the planet of love makes it easy to love each other. It is a very nice aspect in a relationship! Venus trine Venus for 'Goodwill and willingness to bend' is a benefit for any relationship:)! As you see from this example, Venus (= luv:) helps to overcome many differences!
Meryl and Don both have an aspect between Sun and Uranus. Sharing Sun-Uranus means (I quote the article on Astromarkt about sharing aspects):
Sharing a hectic life, allowing each other to be different, free and independent might be the solution for a Hollywood couple. They are both 'different than the rest is', a special kind of couple in a world of divorce. Sun-Uranus in a woman's chart is one of the indications for possible divorce. And they live in separate worlds.
In her chart Sun is conjunct Uranus and they are ruling the first and seventh house. Maybe the Sun-Uranus opposition in the chart of her husband magically fitted with that. He is a sculptor, not a movie star. They live different kinds of life and perhaps that is what they want.
No, there is no match. But they share the will to be independent and the will to make life (and the world) a better place. And last but not least: there is love between them.
This is Meryl Streep's chart with the position on the day of birth of her husband Don Gummer.

For more about the talent of Meryl Streep, see Art&Astrology
She is a Cancer, he is a Sagittarius. Her Moon is in Taurus and his in Leo (and that gives a strong will and perseverance!). Her Mercury in Gemini doesn't match with his in Scorpio. Her Mars in Gemini is in a sign opposite his Mars in Sagittarius! Jupiter in Aquarius doesn't match with Jupiter in Scorpio, either. It doesn't stop raining not matching signs! How come that they are still together?
'Goodwill and willingness to bend', Meryl Streep said. And there is one great aspect that shows goodwill: VENUS exactly TRINE VENUS. That harmonious aspect between the planet of love makes it easy to love each other. It is a very nice aspect in a relationship! Venus trine Venus for 'Goodwill and willingness to bend' is a benefit for any relationship:)! As you see from this example, Venus (= luv:) helps to overcome many differences!
Meryl and Don both have an aspect between Sun and Uranus. Sharing Sun-Uranus means (I quote the article on Astromarkt about sharing aspects):
Sun and Uranus shared in aspect might indicate joined rebellion. How long this will last in a proper family home in a suburb, especially when the aspect is hard? But in a group of inventive people or in a place where news items are made you certainly can go for ‘sensation’ together. This relationship could have an unusual start. But too much tension could lead to stress, even if the surprises are nice. Both being independent and willing to be free it will be hard to stay together as a couple. With harmonious aspects this tendency for doing things the way you want it, will be tempered.SUN-URANUS
Sharing a hectic life, allowing each other to be different, free and independent might be the solution for a Hollywood couple. They are both 'different than the rest is', a special kind of couple in a world of divorce. Sun-Uranus in a woman's chart is one of the indications for possible divorce. And they live in separate worlds.
In her chart Sun is conjunct Uranus and they are ruling the first and seventh house. Maybe the Sun-Uranus opposition in the chart of her husband magically fitted with that. He is a sculptor, not a movie star. They live different kinds of life and perhaps that is what they want.
No, there is no match. But they share the will to be independent and the will to make life (and the world) a better place. And last but not least: there is love between them.
This is Meryl Streep's chart with the position on the day of birth of her husband Don Gummer.

For more about the talent of Meryl Streep, see Art&Astrology
woensdag 16 december 2009
Friendship between man and woman
There are those kind of relationships that are not sex-related but are very intense and long lasting. Ramses Shaffy recently died and on the night before Liesbeth List held him in her arms. They sang together and had a special kind of friendship. He was homosexual, she is married, but they were a well known couple. How come? It is because they shared the Moonsign.Both have Moon in Sagittarius. Friends often have the same moonsign. It makes you feel like coming home...They also shared minor and major aspects between Sun-Neptune (the romantic life of the artist) and Sun-Uranus (the will to be independent and 'unusual' or different than the rest). Also his Pluto is inconjunct her Sun and that might point at a disproportional influence and intensity. Here is the chart of Ramses Shaffy with the natal positions on Liesbeth List's birthday on the outside of the circle. As you see, there were no matches that complicated this friendship. They just had joined experiences and desires and felt close!

More about sharing aspects on Astromarkt and about the Moon in Sagittarius in the article about the Basics, too. I quote:
See them sing on YouTube...

More about sharing aspects on Astromarkt and about the Moon in Sagittarius in the article about the Basics, too. I quote:
Well, you may not really BE cheerful, but you think acting cheerful is a good thing always. You need progress and good news, cannot do without and when you pretend being happy you might actually become happy (you hope). Sometimes you just overdo that! When things are getting wrong or bad you became nervous and hurried.
Billy Graham is a good example of this positive attitude.
See them sing on YouTube...
woensdag 9 december 2009
The marriages of Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage married 3 times after he became the father of his and Christina Fuller's child. He is in the news today because Christina started a lawsuit for fraud about the property of a house.
Nicolas Cage seems to marry fast and short! What in his chart 'does it'? And did he match with his exes? (Of course he didn't!)
The former relationships were with women who were attractive but every time there was no match, even not between the Sunsigns. When there is no match between the Sunsigns (and the Suns are not related by a quintile or biquintile to find a creative way to live as one) without compensation by Venus (love helps:), it is very hard to keep the relationship going, especially when one partner has multiple indications for broken relationship. And even more when both partners do...
a. There are 4 (conjunctions and) afflictions in a male's chart that indicate a stronger possibility to get a divorce than other males. Cage has two of them (Mars sesquisquare Uranus and Venus square Neptune). Let us say that these aspects explain the adventures and the 'romance'. Venus square Neptune reflects romantic feeling and artistic talents.
b. Ruler 1 is Jupiter and ruler 7 (house of marriage) is Mercury. Mercury is square
Jupiter. That is the 3rd one.
c. It is rather easy to have multiple marriages when Gemini (a double bodied sign) is placed on the Descendant.
d. There are more difficulties than the ones mentioned above, like Moon square Mars and Venus conjunct Saturn.
e. Women like him and he likes them! With the Moon in Libra he has sense of style and beauty (and he likes the company of good looking ladies). The Moon in Libra has a desire to be 'together' and have a partner. On the other hand: Venus in Aquarius tells us about a preference for excitement and 'something new' and that is related to 'romance'...(Neptune). That is how a person comes to change his wife from time to time:)
Here are the former partners:
1. Christina Fulton was born June 26 1967 in Boise Idaho. Nicolas and Christina never married. Their child was born December 26 1990, when Nicolas Cage was 26 and Christina's progressed Sun was square his Moon.
Their Suns don't match (Capricorn and Cancer)
Their Moons matched (they could have been friends, feeling at ease with each other)
Their Mercury's were in conflict (difficult communications)
Venus opposition Venus: it is attractive to meet someone so different, but it doesn't last...
Mars is square Mars: sexual attraction and fighting in the end
So that explains Christina Fulton. No match, just attraction.
2. Lisa Mary Presley married Michael Jackson, but she also married Nicolas Cage (for a few months only)./ Why? What made them think that it would be worthwhile to get married?
His Sun in Capricorn doesn't match hers in Aquarius, but: his Jupiter is conjunct her natal Sun (he trustred in her).
Her Moon in Pisces doesn't go together with his Moon in Libra, but they are both sensitive and tasteful, so perhaps the artistic environment brought them together.
Mercury and Venus don't match either...but Mars in Capricorn happens to be septile her Mars in Pisces, sextile his natal Sun. Again, sexual attraction 'did it', but it couldn't last because of the not matching Suns without compensation by Venus.
Again there is no match, only attraction.
3. Patricia Arquette was born April 8, 1968 with her natal Sun square his (very attracting, but also very difficult to deal with). Their Moons were in friendly signs (Libra and Leo), but their Mercuries and Venus didn't match. Mars in Capricorn goes with Mars in Taurus and that makes it easy to cooperate or to be attracted to each other.
But: her Saturn is square her Sun and his natal Sun and that is a sign for breaking up. Her Venus is opposition Uranus (sign for divorce in a woman's chart). The not matching Suns and Venus did the rest. Another example of attraction, but no match...
Nicolas Cage married a woman 20 years younger than he is, Alice Kim, in July 2004. Alice Kim was a sushi waitress before she married Nicolas Cage. She was born in 1984. In that year Jupiter was in Capricorn, the sign of Nicolas Cage's Sun. Marrying younger women is reflected by Gemini on the Descendant (Gemini means 'young').
Maybe the 3rd wife is the right wife? I shouldn't know, her date of birth is unknown.
When a man has so many indications for possible divorce and he marriages women who also have such indications (asap), it is not surprising to see him marry again and again in a culture and social setting that permits divorce and promotes marriage. The natal chart, conditions and situations together sometimes produce a matching picture!
Of course there is more than marriage in the life of Cage. He is an actor. Nicolas Cage has Neptune rising before the Sun and Jupiter is opposition Midheaven. These prominent placements of Jupiter and Neptune contribute to having a devoted audience (fans, followers) and it increases fantasy. Also Jupiter is biquintile Neptune to illustrate the creative link between successes and the amorphous (like the world of the movies).
dinsdag 8 december 2009
Famous couples: Ike and Tina Turner
In December 2007 I wrote about Ike and Tina Turner on
Mind if I add that her Sun is quindecile Uranus, another indication for possible divorce? And of course: Venus biquintile Uranus (the creative combination of aspirations for entertainment and ...for women's lib?)...There is even a fourth indication: Mars is septile Saturn! Now we have all for of the indications AND ruler 1 is afflicting ruler 7 AND a planet in the 7th house. Those are ALL of the indications! No wonder that she managed to break free. As it was her first marriage it was almost ' written in the stars' that it would be with the' wrong' guy. (And I use to think that maybe that has a function).
But let us see if they matched! Of course they didn’t!
1 .Her Sagittarius and his Scorpio Sun don’t match, but as her Sun is making a half semi square with his, they were attracted to each other.
2. Her Gemini Moon square his Virgo Moon tells us that they didn’t have the same kind of habits or background and that it would be very difficult to get used to each others way of ‘ family life’.
3. Also, Mercury and Venus are in the wrong signs to get to like to talk with each other peacefully.
4. But the worse affliction is between his Mars and hers (as said before). The recent break up in the marriage of Tiger Woods and his Elin shows that Mars square Mars ends up in fighting each other. Unfortunately MARS-MARS interaction often leads to fast action because of the (sexual) attraction or because of the stimulating nature of the synastry aspect.
His Mars is also conjunct her natal Sun!
She probably fell in love (and started her career) with progressed Sun conjunct Venus, followed by trine Saturn and …square Neptune., at the foundation of her artistic successes and at the same time: misery. With Venus ruler Midheaven square Neptune and Moon 108 degrees (72+36!) Neptune, she has a strong pattern of professional artistic talents that was activated at the time. That is how she became famous. But when she left Ike, she became een more famous and forgot about Ike. When he started abusing her, her progressed Sun was square her Neptune. When she left him, his progressed Sun afflicted his natal Neptune. Roles were switched...
If you and your partner don't match much and Mars is afflicting Mars: beware and take care. It might be fun for a short while, but unless you operate in different businesses or sports and it is stimulating for your business to drive each other to the max, don't mate. There is a great chance of conflicts. But...maybe you have the feeling that it will be worth it when you come out of the fight as a winner, like Tina Turner did...
Ike Turner (5 November 1931 Clarksdale) died yesterday. He is famous as the 'man of'...Tina Turner was his wife until she left him after abuse.
You see her birth (26th November 1939, 22h10 Bronsville) and the positions of his day of birth outside the circle. His Mars is square her Mars and Sun. I have seen several examples (like that of Paul and Helen McCartney) of people fighting each other who have a conflict between their planets Mars.
In her natal chart Tina has Sun square Mars. That is by the way one of the major indications for divorce in the chart of a female.
Notice that Tina has Venus square Neptune, that Venus disposes of the Midheaven and Neptune is square midheaven. That connects artistic talents with the MC (vocation, profession).
Another thing I notice is that Ike's Sun and Jupiter are conjunct crucial positions of Tina. They were very influencial in each others' lifes...He may have been supporting and coaching her (besides the beating...).
Ike Turner died in the year that his progressed sun passed to another sign. That is an indication for a change in 'being'.
Mind if I add that her Sun is quindecile Uranus, another indication for possible divorce? And of course: Venus biquintile Uranus (the creative combination of aspirations for entertainment and ...for women's lib?)...There is even a fourth indication: Mars is septile Saturn! Now we have all for of the indications AND ruler 1 is afflicting ruler 7 AND a planet in the 7th house. Those are ALL of the indications! No wonder that she managed to break free. As it was her first marriage it was almost ' written in the stars' that it would be with the' wrong' guy. (And I use to think that maybe that has a function).
But let us see if they matched! Of course they didn’t!
1 .Her Sagittarius and his Scorpio Sun don’t match, but as her Sun is making a half semi square with his, they were attracted to each other.
2. Her Gemini Moon square his Virgo Moon tells us that they didn’t have the same kind of habits or background and that it would be very difficult to get used to each others way of ‘ family life’.
3. Also, Mercury and Venus are in the wrong signs to get to like to talk with each other peacefully.
4. But the worse affliction is between his Mars and hers (as said before). The recent break up in the marriage of Tiger Woods and his Elin shows that Mars square Mars ends up in fighting each other. Unfortunately MARS-MARS interaction often leads to fast action because of the (sexual) attraction or because of the stimulating nature of the synastry aspect.
His Mars is also conjunct her natal Sun!
She probably fell in love (and started her career) with progressed Sun conjunct Venus, followed by trine Saturn and …square Neptune., at the foundation of her artistic successes and at the same time: misery. With Venus ruler Midheaven square Neptune and Moon 108 degrees (72+36!) Neptune, she has a strong pattern of professional artistic talents that was activated at the time. That is how she became famous. But when she left Ike, she became een more famous and forgot about Ike. When he started abusing her, her progressed Sun was square her Neptune. When she left him, his progressed Sun afflicted his natal Neptune. Roles were switched...
If you and your partner don't match much and Mars is afflicting Mars: beware and take care. It might be fun for a short while, but unless you operate in different businesses or sports and it is stimulating for your business to drive each other to the max, don't mate. There is a great chance of conflicts. But...maybe you have the feeling that it will be worth it when you come out of the fight as a winner, like Tina Turner did...
zondag 6 december 2009
Do Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren match?

Tiger Woods has a problem since transit Uranus over his Descendant made his relationships world news. Read all about him on Astropost.
But do he and his wife Elin Nordegren (mother of their two children) match? No, they don't. They seem to have married the right person to break free from later. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you meet a person and marry him/her because trough that person you meet Mr. or Mrs. Right:) or you simply get the children that you want AND your indepence...But divorces don't come easy. Can they be avoided by having a look at the match? I doubt it. People just don't believe it when they are told that they don't match. It is because they fell in love:)
When Elin Nordegren was born, the Sun in Capricorn was semi square Uranus. That is one of the aspects that show the risk of getting divorced. Tiger Woods has two (parallels of Moon with Saturn and Neptune). It is their first marriage, so it will be hard to stay together, unless there is a perfect match.
They are both Capricorns (he December 30, she January 1) and that makes it easy to live as one. But, their Moons are in opposite signs, so it will be hard to live as one in one house and family. They have different habits and needs and family backgrounds (she is Swedish). It won’t be easy to feel ‘ close’ soon. They will have to get used to each other or find ways to live together, but apart.
His Venus is in Scorpio and hers in Aquarius. That is no match, but fortunately 312 – 239 = 73 (a quintile), so that they like and love each other and found a creative way to match tastes and sympathies. The square between his Mars and hers is however not compensated at all. His Mars is important (on top of his chart), so that the square hits hard.
No, they don't match, really...And: there are more difficulties:
In Elin's natal chart the Sun is semi square Uranus and that Uranus is semi square his Sun! It seems that she married the right guy to divorce from and be independent and free again.
Now that the public has been informed by more and more ex-‘ lovers’ about the adventures of her husband, there is a lot of pressure. Her progressed Sun has been 75 degrees from Uranus (a shock, a change) earlier and is exactly 75 degrees from progressed Uranus. That is confirming the natal aspect. It is time to see the truth.
Also the progressed Sun is now inconjunct Jupiter (being right, but…). The combination of Jupiter and Neptune is perhaps mirroring a relief. It must be awful to have to pretend all the time.
Elin has better times to look forward to. Within 18 months the progressed Sun will be conjunct Venus and sesquisquare Saturn. Perhaps there will be found an arrangement.
When she met Tiger Woods her progressed Sun sign changed (and so did her life style) and her progressed Sun was opposition his natal Saturn when they married. That is not a good sign. His life changed when he married her, too. He had progressed Sun opposition Uranus, a sort of a reflection of a ‘ matter of freedom and indepence’ . And now Uranus is there again…It seems that they married the right person to break free from.
No, there is no match between them. And yes, the transit of Uranus on the Descendant of Tiger Woods comes together with progression with Uranus in the chart of his wife. It must be very exciting, tense and hectic…
famous couple,
vrijdag 4 december 2009
Famous couple: Al and Tipper Gore

There are a couple of famous couples on this blog and this time (because of the Climate Conference in Kopenhagen and Climategate) the couple is Al and Tipper Gore. They were born in the same year, 1948. He is an Aries and she is a Leo and that is a match. There is a minor hard aspect between their Suns that explains the difficulties in the relationship between Al Gore and Bill Clinton who has the same birthday as Tipper Gore (but was born 2 years earlier). As long as she doesn’t want to be the star (and that must be difficult for a Leo) their Suns match. It looks very attractive (two shining stars), but one must be leading. I would like to see them dance a quick step!:)
With her Venus square his Sun and his Venus square her Sun, the mutual love and sympathy must be obvious. They really love and like each other, even though it is sometimes difficult to agree on matters of taste and style (as her Venus is semi square his). Their Mars match (his in Leo, hers in Libra) and her Jupiter is trine his Mars! That refers to reproduction (and they have children together). It is also an indication that she will support his efforts and activities.
Al Gore doesn’t have indications for a divorce in the natal chart. With Venus in Taurus and Mars in Leo (both fixed signs) it is to be expected that he goes for longlasting love (he goes steady!)..
Tipper Gore's chart has a difficult opposition between the rulers of the first and seventh house (Moon and Saturn) and between the ruler of the seventh house and Venus on the Ascendant. Venus is semi square Saturn (ruler 8). So in her chart we see possibilities for breaking up. However:
They have been married for ages now, since May 19, 1970. That is 40 years. So here you have an example of a long lasting relationship.
Her Moon makes a hard aspect with his Sun/Moon midpoint.
His Sun is making a hard aspect with her Sun/Moon midpoint.
That produces a strong sense of ‘ belonging’ to each other. (Click the label Sun/Moon for more...)
They share a conflict between Sun and Neptune (he has the opposition and she has a semi square). On Astromarkt there is an article about sharing aspects. I write about Sun-Neptune:
Sun and Neptune shared in aspect gives you shared ideals, dreams and faith or even a shared idol! But with hard aspects you might share the same disillusions as well or this relationship is disillusive. Cooperating could work out best in an asylum or in a non-profit organization where they can help others, and each other.
Another possible combination is between enemies and with Sun in hard aspect with Neptune shared. Ideology stand between you as was the case with the murderer of director Theo van Gogh who shared Sun square Neptune with his victim.
I read that they go to church each Sunday (if possible). Neptune is the symbol of ideology and religion. Perhaps the issue of sharing the same ideals is a hot item for the relationship. Life is not always a dream, but you can at least try to realise yours...perhaps that is the general idea of Sun-Neptune here.
Is it a perfect match? Is or was it always a perfect marriage? Will it last till they die? I don’t know. But I do know that they love each other and that they have a strong sense of belonging together. Of course, that is why they ARE officially married and together still!:)
famous couple,
woensdag 25 november 2009
Divorce for Princess Elena of Spain

The Spanish Princess Elena will divorce. In 2006 she and her husband (los Duques de Lugo) started living apart to reconsider their marriage and now they decided that it is really over and they asked for a divorce.
The news comes with a typical combination of transits and progressions related to her natal chart, involving the Ascendant, Venus and Uranus. The affliction of Venus and Uranus in the chart of a woman shows the possibility of divorce.
a. Transit Uranus - Venus - Ascendant
Transit Uranus at 22d43m Pisces is exactly conjunct her Progressed Venus and both are square the progressed Ascendant.
b. Natal Uranus - Venus - Ascendant
Uranus is sesquisquare the conjunction of Venus and Ascendant in the natal chart.
The transit 'copied' the combination of the natal chart and that is what makes this transit so strong. It is activating the existing potential.
Here is a list of difficult aspects for getting or staying married, as composed by the astrologer Ram:
In a man's chart they are:
Hard aspects between Moon and Saturn or Neptune, Venus and Neptune, Mars and Uranus.
In a female's chart they are:
Hard aspects between Sun and Mars or Uranus, Venus and Uranus, Mars and Saturn.
And in the charts of both genders:Afflictions between the 1st and 7th house (rulers)
I found that Venus in Aries or Mars in Libra do not make relationships easy. Neither does the placement of Neptune on the horizon in the charts of females. Hard aspects between Moon, Venus and/or Mars illustrate that it may be hard to find a match (and so the nativity needs to compromise).
"Nació el 20 de diciembre de 1963 a las 14:20..."Source:
woensdag 4 november 2009
Famous couple: Margarita and Edwin

Dutch Princess Margarita, daughter of Irene, the sister of Queen Beatrix, divorced Edwin de Roy van Zuydewijn, so we are pretty certain about their non-compatibility☺ . I wondered about the reflection of divorce in their charts and I found an uneasy match. Also, they both have indications for possible divorce in the natal charts. Since it was the first marriage for both of them, there was a substantial chance for breaking up. During the marriage difficult transits and progressions contributed to the hard situation. More about that on Wikipedia (see link below).
Her Sun is in Libra is 112.5 degrees from his Sun in Gemini. Although their sun signs ‘ match’ , there is a difficult aspect (square+half semi-square) between their suns (=lifestyle). This aspect is attracting them, but also making it hard to find a joined way of living.
His Moon might be in Gemini, opposition hers. That makes it difficult to live together as their families or background don’t match (and they did not).
There is no conflict between her Venus and his. In fact there is a 108 degree aspect (quintile 72 + half quintile 36), that is reflecting a creative way to like and love each other.
Mars is 112.5 degrees from Mars. A conflict between Mars and Mars usually ends up in fighting and so it did this time.
Possible effect of the aspects:
With the Sun and Moon afflicted by Sun and Moon it is very hard to start and maintain a family life. Venus and Mars in aspect however make it easy to start a man-woman-relationship, ending in a fight...Also, his Venus is inconjunct her Sun, reflecting a lack of balance in love life. So you see that there was a reason to become a couple and one for ending the relationship. Also they both have indications for broken relationships in their natal charts and this was their first marriage.
He has Sun square Saturn on Aries Point, she has Sun trine Saturn. They share a certain ambition and position and that is what also brought them together. More about couples sharing aspects on my site Astromarkt...With his Jupiter in aspect with her Sun/Moon midpoint they started with confidence...
Her Sun conjunct Uranus is one of the aspect in the charts of women that point at a possible divorce and a double bodied sign . When a person has 2 or more of this kind of indicators it is pretty difficult to stay married or get married. Her former husband has 2 indications for divorce: Mars square Uranus and Venus opposition Neptune, even without knowing his hour of birth.
Princess Margarita found a new husband. She married and has a child and looks very happy. Recently she visited the Pope. It is been suggested in the press that she wanted to have her first marriage cancelled. That visit (accompanied by her brothers, sister and father) happened with Mercury opposition Vesta in her progressed chart. Natal Vesta is in Gemini, perhaps a perfect symbool of a second ‘ first’ marriage. Meanwhile her ex-husband says that he refuses to have his marriage cancelled.
Here above you see her chart and the birth positions of her ex husband in the outer wheel. Her chart is with hour of birth, his is for sunrise (time unknown).
More about Margarita on Wikipedia..
famous couple,
sharing aspects
zondag 4 oktober 2009
Keys to divorce in the chart of Soraya

Soraya was the wife of the last Persian Sjah and he divorced her because she did not give him children. Soraya happens to have all of the indications for divore as described by Dutch astrologer Ram! And she had Moon inconjunct Pluto. It looks like if the possibility of a divorce was already there when she was born. In her country, and as the wife of the Sjah, the fact that she couldn't have children turned that possibility into reality. She was not allowed to marry another man after her divorce.
The keys to divorce are (see the chart below):
a. Afflictions between the first and seventh house
b. Sun in affliction with Uranus
(Sun is 67.5 degrees from Uranus in Soraya's chart and that is semi square + half semi square and I don't know how to name that in English, perhaps sesqui semi square?)
c. Venus in conflict with Uranus
d. Sun in conflict with Mars
Soraya's Sun is semi sextile Mars and her Mars is inconjunct the Sun of the Sjah, who was born 26 October 1919 at 4:41 a.m. GMT in Teheran. (The semi sextile and the inconjunction activate each other).
e. Mars in conflict with Saturn
Soraya's Mars is trine Saturn...But her husbands' Mars is conjunct Saturn. So these people share a Mars - Saturn aspect. On Astromarkt I write about that:
Mars-Saturn: working hard together as long as possible (like Queen Elisabeth and her late mother), sharing the same frustrations, not much fun (unless there are other indications). This aspect might indicate a lack of shared activities.
f. In general the position of planets in the 7th house give additional information.
Uranus in the 7th house reflects a hectic, controversial or 'flashing' or 'free' marriage.
g. In some cultures having children is important enough to divorce in case of difficulties in getting them.
Ceres, symbol of the Mother, is crucial, as Ceres is at the bottom of Soraya's chart*). The Moon - family - is in the fith house AFFLICTED by Jupiter and Pluto (which means a lot of success as a woman, but...)

If a woman has 1 or more of these influences, it will be more difficult to get or remain married. Soraya has 2 of them. this case, there was a special situation. The Sjah seems to have loved her (although he quickly remarried), but was under pressure to leave the woman who failed to enable his dynasty to continue. Another thing is, that SHE was not supposed to marry again or find a lover after the divorce (or loose her life of desired lazy luxury ever after, reflected by Venus on the MC), but... she had to stay alone. And she was only 26 years old! When she was just married, she had progressed Venus conjunct Sun and she started a life in luxury! But let's see about her natal chart.
The Moon in Aquarius is opposition Jupiter, sextile Uranus and inconjunct Pluto. I like to have a closer look at the Moon inconjunct Pluto. An inconjunction often reflects 'but's' and Pluto is always there when there is a price to pay. Or when you have to give up on something. Pluto is on top of her chart, showing the power of politics, money and ...the importance of issues of LIFE and death (the continues cycle of life). This prominent Pluto is inconjunct the ruler of her Midheaven (- position, status -). She had an independent life in great wealth, but the price was losing her status. Perhaps the Moon opposition Jupiter in her chart shows that being a person was not enough and more was needed. With Moon-Jupiter it always takes more!
PS I wondered if the hour of birth ((9:46) is estimated by an astrologer (putting Moon and Jupiter on the cusps of the Placidus 5/11 houses) or if this is her real hour of birth. It might be true, because there is also Saturn opposition Jupiter/Midheaven with Saturn as the planet the finger is pointing at, indicating the possible fall/step back after a rise in society.
BTW Princess Diana also had Pluto on top of the chart...
*) Queen Fabiola of Belgium had no children with King Boudewijn to their deep regret and Ceres is on her Descendant. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but Queen Fabiola also has Venus on the Midheaven. She does not have Moon in aspect with Jupiter
dinsdag 22 september 2009
Princess Diana and Giscard d'Estaing lovers?

Giscard d'Estaing wrote a book about a romance with a princess and now the world is wondering if he referred to Diana. He met her when she was divorced and he was a widower, but he is 35 years older. No wonder that her Saturn is exactly inconjunct his Midheaven and trine his Ascendant. It says 'respect', but where is the passion? In fact, there is an intruiging aspect, an inconjunction, between his Mars and her Venus. Disproportionate passion, it says...But it doesn't prove a thing. The fact that there is a picture of her apparently flirting with him, doesn't mean that they were lovers. The only certainty is that he has progressed (SA) Sun square Jupiter. That means: success and progress and possibly a lot of sold books!:)
Read the Times and see that picture here...
zaterdag 19 september 2009
Famous couples: Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

Edward VIII (the later Duke of Windsor) abdicated to be able to marry the twice divorced Wallis Simpson. That is true love, isn't it? Let us see their charts and let us see if they really matched. In the end maybe your conclusion will be the same: they rebelled together and they strongly felt that they belonged together. The mutual Sun/Moon midpoint aspects with Jupiter and Ascendant and the shared 'calling' and elevated Uranus ruler 1 are clear about that.
Edward VIII has the following Astro ID:
- Jupiter rises before the Sun (the international, traveling) ; he lived part of his life in France.
- Juno (symbol of marriage) is positioned on top of his chart
- Uranus doesn't make major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees. This 'calling' Uranus is reflecting the upheaval and the important change in his life. As Uranus rules the first house and is placed in the equal 10th house, the change is likely to occur in the field of status, position and family ranking.
His abdication came right after progressed Pluto inconjunct Uranus. Pluto and Uranus together imply a dramatic change. The inconjunction adds ‘giving up on something, loss’ to this meaning. Transit Uranus was inconjunct natal Midheaven, showing the change (with a loss) while transit Neptune was inconjunct his Ascendant, showing the disproportionate sacrifice.
A romantic nature is attributed to the Moon in Pisces. But Edward VIII had Mars exactly on Aries Point. So he could be sharp, too. And perhaps Jupiter in the equal fifth house (same position as in the chart of Catherina the Great – who had so many lovers) shows us why there was concern about his ‘womazing’ before he met mrs. Simpson.
Wallis Simpson:
- Uranus is the elevated planet, ruler of the first house and in the 10th equal house (public upheaval, change in position) and Uranus doesn't make major aspects. Just like in the chart of her husband Edward, Uranus is 'calling'. Together they 'rebelled'...
- Neptune is rising before the Sun (a romantic dreamer in the first place) and in aspect with Sun/Moon and AC/MC. Romance motivates her and is the key motive in her life!
- Her Sun square Aries Point doesn't make aspects: she will draw attention at any possible level.
- Mercury is conjunct Neptune, perhaps she was misunderstood or she really was hiding some facts. In any case, she was in fact mistrusted. They thought that she was after the money of Edward and didn't really love him.
There were indications for possible divorce in her chart:
Sun 67.5 degrees Mars (sesquisemisquare Sun-Mars)
Venus inconjunct Uranus (orb 3 degrees, however)
Neptune trine Ascendant (romantic/seductive attitude)
Mars inconjunct Uranus might indicate the 'wrong man'
In the days of her later husband's abdication (December 10, 1936) her progressed Midheaven was inconjunct Pluto, illustrating the lost of power, influence and money and the disproportionate influence of politics on her developing position. They married June 3, 1937. But did they match?
Their Suns didn't match (hers in Gemini, his in Cancer) but as they were not far apart (only 3.3 degrees) they joined lifestyle and lives.
Their Moons didn't match either (hers in Libra, his in Pisces), an understandable reflection of the difference in upbringing, family style and habits. The Moons are sesquisquare, symbol of the frustrations that it must have given them both.
Their Mercury's didn't match.
Her Venus is semi sextile his. No match.
Her Mars is in Aries and so is his. But...they are a half semi square apart! It means that they were attracted to each other, and that they quarreled too.
They share the same Ascendant in Aquarius and both had Uranus elevated and 'calling'. Were they just joining forces to withstand rules and regulations, I wonder. Where is the 'luv'? Why this sacrifice? And was it?
I noticed that her Jupiter, Chiron and Ascendant are in hard aspect with his Sun/Moon midpoint. His Venus, Jupiter, Chiron and Ascendant were in hard aspect with HER Sun/Moon midpoint. That can be read as follows: they had a strong feeling that they belonged together. It is exceptional that Jupiter, Chiron and Ascendant on both sides are in aspect with Sun/Moon! They must have made each other happy.
Edward had Sun inconjunct Midheaven and Jupiter quindecile Midheaven. Jupiter and Sun connections are not uncommon for a member of the 'royalty', who is being protected and guided throughout life. But he also had duties, symbolized by Saturn semi square MC. The semi square reveals that the job's responsibilities may have frustrated him or we should belief in predicted faith and see it as an indication of stepping back later. The Moon in Pisces, square Midheaven, reflects the influence of romantic feelings on his career. Mars quintile Neptune (a creative way to give up on a job)? Read Astropost about the Queen Mum, whome he referred to as 'Queen' long before he abdicated...
They may not have been 'made for each other' but when they married they at least liked each other*)and they certainly felt that they belonged together.
The tigh trine between Sun and Saturn in their composite chart kept them together. This aspect draws attention. Wallis Simpson had Sun sesquisquare Saturn. Edward VIII had Sun in a 105-degree aspect with Saturn. They shared restrictions (they were never officially accepted) and perhaps that created the first unbreakable bond for mrs. Simpson...
*) His progressed Venus was opposition her progressed MC and her progressed Venus was close to his progressed Sun in those days.
vrijdag 4 september 2009
The exceptions of (not) matching Sun signs

When Sun signs are not 'matching' it is often difficult to stay together in the long term. Conflicting lifestyles and conflicting ideas of life's nature stand in the way, even if the couple loves and likes each other. Example: Ryan O'Neal and Farah Fawcett, who’s Suns were 78 degrees apart. They separated. Couples that have afflictions between other positions in the chart however, may stay together if their Suns are matching. For example, because they have the strong will (Sun in a fixed sign like Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius), or because of the family/children or 'because it is supposed to last'(Sun in Cancer or in Capricorn). A famous example is Queen Juliana (a Taurus) and her Cancer husband Bernhard, who had 2 daughters with two other women during the everlasting marriage.
When Sun signs are not matching, there is often no ground for 'living as one'. But there are exceptions, of course (there always are:). Such as, when the Suns make minor aspects, hard or soft ones. Minor aspects between Suns in a relationship tell us that there is a link between the two natures. Minor aspects are for example: semi square (45 degrees), septile (51.4 degrees), sesqui semi square (67.5 degrees), quintile (72 degrees), sesquisquare (135 degrees), biquintile (144 degrees), inconjunction (150 degrees) and quindecile (165 degrees). Other minor aspects have 36, 75, 105, 108 or 157.5 degrees.
Examples:When Sun signs are not 'matching' and the Suns don't make a minor or major aspect, other influences than drawing each other's attention and wanting to live 'as one' become more important. I know a couple with Ascendant conjunct Ascendant. They may not have the same life style, but they join the same approach and they like the same environment. Isn't that part of the life style?:) Even though the Leo is the party beast and shopper while the Taurus is fond of riding on horse back and dreaming of living in a rural part of the country they look very close.
The Obamas have Sun quindecile Sun, representing a strong focus on each other, so that they are sticking together like a stamp to a letter (as the song says). I know of a couple of actors who have Sun biquintile Sun, so that they found a creative way to join their lives. With the minor square aspects it may be a challenge to stay together, and life styles are obviously different, but the fact that there IS an aspect tells us that the challenge was accepted, like in the case of King Albert and Queen Paola of Belgium. An inconjunction causes lost of balance on both sides. Can such an affair last forever? I doubt it.
Suns may be in matching signs with challenging aspects. This happens with:
- the 67.5 degree aspect
This occurs when the Sun signs are two signs and 7.5 degrees apart, for example Sun in Aries 10 degrees and Sun in Gemini 18 degrees.
- the sesquisquare aspect
This happens when the Sun signs are 4 signs and 15 degree apart, for example Sun in Aries 10 degrees and Sun in Leo 25 degrees
These Suns draw each other's attention. Though they seem to be matching, there is a challenge to overcome and they have to learn to live together as one (or stop it).
Example of the contrary:When there is a conflict between the first and seventh house or (when it is a man) between Moon and Saturn, Moon and Neptune, Venus and Neptune or Mars and Uranus, or (when it is a woman) between Sun and Mars, Sun and Uranus, Venus and Uranus or Mars and Saturn...and when it is the first is highly possible that divorce follows. But again: there are always exceptions.
Every rule has it exceptions. Richard Burton (Sun in Scorpio) and Elisabeth Taylor married a few times and divorced a few times. Their Sun signs matched. She is a Pisces. There is no conflict between the Suns, but there are other conflicts, like the inconjunctions between Sun and Uranus or Venus and Saturn and the not matching Venus. Still, it is amazing how they kept believing in a future together and kept falling in love. Perhaps it is because of that matching sun. Maybe another time I will study their synastry, the aspect that they share etc.
Bill Clinton is a Leo. Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio. These Sun signs don't match. But there is a minor aspect between their suns (67.5 degrees, a sesqui semi square). I know a couple that also has such an aspect and they have a long lasting marriage, too. Bill Clinton has Sun and Moon afflicted with Neptune. Since it is his first marriage, a divorce might follow. But, Hillary doesn't have the usual conflicts in her chart and she is a Scorpio.
Positions, cultures, history and law give different perspectives, too.
Matching or not matching is not as simple as to be or not to be...
For more about matching signs on this site, click the label 'matching'...
zaterdag 8 augustus 2009
Venus, Uranus and the charts of Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe
Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe had a flash light relationship together for a few (short periods of) time. That is what he mentions in the book about his life.
Flash light in a relationship is often symbolized by Uranus. Marilyn had Venus semi sextile Uranus. Tony has Venus square Uranus. Venus and Uranus combinations reflect the desire for tension, excitement and 'thrills' like when you are in love. Of course this is not beneficial for long lasting (or dull) relationships. In the charts of women Venus-Uranus is one of the 4 aspect combinations that reflect a higher chance to get a divorce.
Venus-Uranus is for 'firework in a rollercoaster': see the post on Astropost. Or read about Venus-Uranus on my site Astromarkt...In the article on Astromarkt I wrote about sharing this aspect:
Another idea is to read 'Catherina the Great and her young lovers' to see another example of the Venus-Uranus effect. She had Venus inconjunct Uranus and an outrageous amount of 'flashing' relationships!
"Venus-Uranus is for sharing the same love of music, dancing and adventures. Venus-Uranus could be the shared aspect for falling in love for a short period of time."
For more about having the same aspect combination as your partner, click here...
woensdag 5 augustus 2009
Famous couple: Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett

Ryan O'Neal used to be married with Farrah Fawcett. They divorced and there was a rumor that they would marry again just before she died. Mars-Saturn, the combination of death and divorce, is of major importance in their relationship. Both have an aspect between Mars and Saturn and his Mars and Saturn are in hard aspect with her Sun. In the composite chart Mars is sesquisquare Saturn. And in the final period of their relationship his progressed Sun was inconjunct her Mars and Saturn conjunction, reflecting a loss because of death.
The Mars-Saturn combination is the aspect combination of restricted energy, death and divorce (in the charts of women). He has the square; she has the opposition in her chart. In the article on Astromarkt, about having the same kind of aspects as your partner, I write:
Mars-Saturn: working hard together as long as possible (like Queen Elisabeth and her late mother), sharing the same frustrations, not much fun (unless there are other indications). This aspect might indicate a lack of shared activities.Ryan O'Neal survived cancer not long ago.
In her final hours the aspect of the issue of death (Mars-Saturn) brought them together again. This was reflected by the progression of his progressed Sun first inconjunct her natal Saturn and in the end inconjunct her natal Mars. That was the 4th Mars-Saturn combination that I noticed. (I already mentioned that his natal Mars and Saturn were in aspect with her Sun and that the composite chart has Mars 135 Saturn). The inconjunction has the potential meaning of 'lost', so that we can read this combination as a lost because of death.
Another shared aspect combination is Sun-Pluto (she has the opposition, he has the square). In their composite chart the Sun is sesquisquare Pluto. It means that their strong egos might cause problems. And that there was a strong and vivid but difficult bound between them. That explains how they got involved again when there was a shared health problem (how to survive cancer).
Their natal charts tell us that they will have problems finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. Or should I say: that they need a little more experience until they settle down or realize that it is better to remain on their own. That is reflected by difficult distances between the Ascendant and the Descendant and by various aspects that I will name later in this post*). Farrah Fawcett's chart has such indications in the natal chart. But: with 60% of her positions in fixed signs she would likely hold on to relationships.
Ryan O'Neal's chart has minor aspects, not supposed to be difficult aspects or indications. But those aspects tell us that he is creative in dealing with separation of women, that he is a romantic seductive kind of guy and that he knows how to get related. With Moon sextile Venus women like him and Gemini (double bodied sign) on the Descendant tells us that there will likely be more than one marriage, even though 70% of his positions are in fixed signs and fixed signs mean: holding on...
- Their Suns didn't match much (Aquarius and Taurus) so they had a different lifestyle
- Their Moons matched (Cancer and Pisces) so they could be friend, their habits matched
- The position of Mercury speaks of good communications
- Venus does not match Venus (different tastes and preferences)
- Both had Mars in Aquarius, so they could cooperate in the same style
In some ways they did, in other ways they didn't match. I have noticed more divorces when the sun signs don't match. It seems to be important to have the same kind of nature or at least matching lifestyles, to have a long time marriage. Her Sun/Moon midpoint is square his Ascendant. You can read more about Sun/Moon midpoint in relationships by clicking the label below. On Art&Astrology you find the charts of Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett and their patterns of artistic talent. Find their charts by typing the name in the left upper space and click 'blog search'.
*) In the charts of females hard aspects between Sun and Mars, Sun or Venus with Uranus or Mars and Saturn are indicating the possibility of a divorce. In the charts of males the Moon or Venus afflicted by Neptune, Mars in hard aspect with Uranus or the Moon conjunct, square (included semi and sesqui square), inconjunct or opposition Saturn are reflecting the not lasting relationship.
famous couple,
life and death,
dinsdag 21 juli 2009
Famous couple: Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson

Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson were married once and perhaps they have children together, who knows. Their strange relationship raises the question: did they match? And the answer is: not in the long term, but...there are indications for a shared passion. So perhaps she speaks the truth when she says that she and Michael Jackson were lovers. Look at the synastry, for example.
Michael's Venus is exactly square the Mars and Jupiter of Debbie. Her Mars-Jupiter opposition refers to having babies (multi productivity). So perhaps THAT is why he liked her in the first place?
His Uranus is trine her Sun. That is a sign of friendship (and a certain distance). Her Uranus is conjunct his Venus and that is an indication for a flash light relationship (and offers a possibility of an adventure or falling in love - perhaps one of them did).
Her Moon in Libra does not match with his in Pisces, but they can both like arts and music and perhaps that is what brought them together.
Their Suns don't match (Virgo and Sagittarius).
Their Mercury's and Venus match, so they understood each other and had fun together, sharing the same sympathies and tastes.
His Mars is conjunct hers (within 5 degrees) and that reflects cooperation and sexual activity or productivity.
There is no astrological reason why Deborah Rowe should not be the mother of his children. Apparently there was mutual sympathy and a shared passion. They also share an aspect between Venus and Uranus and that (again) shows that they were friends and had a short affaire perhaps.
Of course, there are no hours of birth available, but nevertheless it is obvious that it could have been luv, really! (Why would you marry a woman that you don't like anyway?)
zondag 5 juli 2009
Queen Astrid and King Leopold

King Leopold III is the man who drove the car that crashed and killed his beloved wife Astrid, young mother of the later kings. She died August 29 1935 when he had transit Saturn square progressed Ascendant (symbol of separation and being blamed). With his Mars conjunct Uranus I asume that he drove too fast. This conjunction of Mars and Uranus is conjunct her Descendant in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of travelling (and other countries). The conjunction is also joining her unaspected Mercury. Mercury is the planet of communications and transportation and important at any kind of level in her chart. This strongly connects an accident (in his chart) with her 'horizon'.
When she died, she had transit Pluto opposition Midheaven and transit Pluto inconjunct Saturn. This harsh picture of Saturn, Pluto and Midheaven was completed by the progression of Mars trine Pluto and the nearness of the progressed MC conjunct Saturn. She had progressed Moon square progressed Jupiter and personal experience tells me that that is not the best planet to start a vacation with. Also transit Mercury was square the progressed Mercury and Pluto. As Mercury is important in the chart of Astrid this is signaling a day with traffic problems (and that is an understatement, because it could be at any level since Mercury doesn't make major aspects in the natal chart). There were various reflections of a trip abroad with the posibility of difficulties and problems.

For more about the effect of Mars-Uranus click here...
To find out more about the midpoint Sun/Moon, click the label under this post.
donderdag 2 juli 2009
40 year tested marriage: King Albert and Queen Paola

King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium married 40 years ago, in 1949. The marriage almost crashed because of Albert's affairs. Both have an aspect between Mars and Neptune in their natal chart. Sharing Mars-Neptune aspects does not make the couple happier (reed Astromarkt about sharing aspect...). But do they match?
He has the Sun in Gemini and she in Virgo: no match
His Moon in Aries matches with hers in Sagittarius
Mercury in Cancer is an speaking terms with Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Taurus collides with Venus in Leo, however
Mars in Gemini is opposition Mars in Sagittarius
(Re: table of matching signs on Astromarkt:
So, generally, no, they don't match much. They can live together and they can talk together, but they are different. They have another life style, other tastes and sympathies and another temperament. So how come they got married? And why for such a long period? In my opinion, it must be because of Pluto. Pluto is a fanatic. Pluto is not easy. Pluto is jealous. And Pluto is strong. And I almost forgot: Pluto is also the symbol of power, money and politics or authority. Their position didn't make it easy to separate. And look how important Pluto is in this relationship:
. Her Pluto is conjunct his Descendant.
. When he married in 1959 Albert's Midheaven was inconjunct Pluto.
. And much to my surprise, his progressed Pluto was exactly conjunct her Progressed Descendant. Perhaps she was impressed and/or he was fascinated?

Both have Pluto in connection to 'relationships'. Hers is in the 7th house. His is conjunct Descendant. I often notice that Pluto has the effect of 'cannot live with and cannot live without...', difficulties but also with seeing each others values. Let us say that both have a challenging relationship in their chart! With Pluto's influence a marriage becomes a marriage that will be tried and tested.
But..there are also Venus-Moon connections between them and that shows us that there is and was and will always be at least some feelings of sympathy and perhaps
More about Albert and the odd relationship with the daughter of him and his mistress...
donderdag 25 juni 2009
Famous couples: Princess Margaret and Anthony Armstrong Jones

Anthony Armstrong Jones has Mars in mutual reception*)) with Uranus and they are the final dispositors of the Midheaven routing (Sagittarius, Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Aquarius, Uranus in Aries <> Mars in Aquarius). A hard connection between Mars and Uranus is one of the indications for divorce in a male's chart. He also has Moon square Neptune, another 'warning'. His marriage with Princess Margareth was his first marriage. So there could be serious problems...
Princess Margaret must have loved her husband dearly (Venus in Libra in the seventh house) and yes, he was good looking (Venus in the 7th house chooses at least a charming partner). She had Saturn on top for duties and status above all, however. While he had Saturn square Uranus...which means that he wanted to break free.
Margaret also had indications for divorde: Venus in the 7th house opposition Uranus in the first, for example.
Both had indications for a divorce. For both persons it was their first marriage. That doesn't support the idea of an everlasting relationship. And: did they match? Certainly not, except for Mars (cooperation, sex). His Mars in Aquarius, hers in Gemini. But the rest...
Her Sun is in Leo, his in Pisces
Her Moon in Cancer, his in Gemini
Her Mercury in Virgo, his in Aquarius
Her Venus in Libra, his in Pisces
And how about the synastry?
Her Uranus is inconjunct his Sun
His Mercury is inconjunct her Moon
Her Neptune is square his Moon (reflecting the Moon-Neptune sqare in his chart)
Her MC is trine his Neptune
They share an aspect between Mercury and Mars (for discussions). But there is little more. In the composite chart the tightest aspect is Sun inconjunct Saturn, symbolising separation.
Armstrong Jones had Ceres on the Ascendant of his progressed chart in 1958. The Saturn of Margaret was exactly opposition his progressed Ceres-Ascendant. Reading: he met the mother of his children. She met the father of hers. As his Jupiter was conjunct her progressed Ascendant, he gained her trust in that year. And so, they got married, they were together for many years.
But in the year 1978 they divorced after separation in 1976. What indications were there?
Her progressed Sun was conjunct Venus in 1976 (but, we are aware that Venus is square Uranus in her natal chart, ruling the houses 1 and 7 and that this is an indication for a divorce).
In 1978 her progressed Sun was opposition Uranus.
Her husband's progressed Sun had changed sign in the years before 1976/1978. The Midheaven changed sign in 1975 and the first aspect was an inconjunction with Neptune (positioned on the Descendant of the natal chart; inconjunctions with Neptune refer to loosing something or an illusion) and later square Sun. His progressed Mars and Uranus (symbol of divorce in a male's chart) are on either side of Margaret's Ascendant in 1976. And there was probably much more, but I think this is enough.
Anthony Armstrong Jones and Princess Margaret just had to divorce one day...
For the chart of Armstrong Jones, the photographer, see Art&Astrology, label Photography..
PS Princess Margaret was a heavy smoker (see: Sun conjunct Neptune, Moon in Cancer with Ceres -genes and roots - rising before the Sun and Neptune inconjunct the Ascendant). For more about smoking and astrology, see Astropost:
*) What is sharing aspects? When in your chart two planets are connected and in your partner's chart they are also in aspect with each other. More about sharing aspects on Astromarkt...
*)) Mutual reception: when one planet is in the sign that 'belongs to' (is ruled by) the other planet.
(c) Astrology&Love
famous couple,
zaterdag 20 juni 2009
Juno and marriage in the natal chart
Juno is the godess of marriage. That is why I expected to find a prominent Juno in the charts of people with important marriages. Of course, I started looking for well known personalities who's life would not have been the same without their marriage. Women like princess Diana, princess Máxima, Soray of Perisa, Karen Homolka, Jackie Kennedy, Elisabeth Taylor and Agatha Christie. But also of couples like the married couple Pierre and Marie Curie and Crown Prince Rudolf with Maria Vetsera. Look at the charts and you will notice the important positions of Juno and how Juno is related to the chart of the counterparts.
Juno is prominent in your chart when Juno is placed on the angles, on top or at the bottom of the drawing (square Ascendant), in aspect with Sun/Moon or ASC/MC or when Juno is rising before the Sun (the first object that you find when you move your finger clockwise from where the Sun is). Juno is also important when Juno does not make any major aspect in sign or orb 5 degrees. In that case partnership or marriage is of crucial importance or your first objective. Most of the time marriage is more important for women than it is for men. But I found examples of men in whose life marriage or the partner was more important than in the lives of other males. For example, in the chart of prince Charles, who has Juno 22.5 degree (half semi square) from the midpoint ASC/MC,while the Juno of princess Diana is semi square his Sun/Moon. In Camila Parker-Bowles natal chart, by the way, Juno is 'calling'(not making aspects within 5 degrees of orb or within sign), and that symbolizes how 'marriage' would be 'calling her' at any possible level and how the question of partnership could be 'out of control' in her life.
On the site of Bob Marks you find interpretations for Juno in sign and house. Here is the link...... Of course you have to see the interpretation of Juno and Juno's aspects in the light of the rest of the chart, your character and culture.

Juno is prominent in your chart when Juno is placed on the angles, on top or at the bottom of the drawing (square Ascendant), in aspect with Sun/Moon or ASC/MC or when Juno is rising before the Sun (the first object that you find when you move your finger clockwise from where the Sun is). Juno is also important when Juno does not make any major aspect in sign or orb 5 degrees. In that case partnership or marriage is of crucial importance or your first objective. Most of the time marriage is more important for women than it is for men. But I found examples of men in whose life marriage or the partner was more important than in the lives of other males. For example, in the chart of prince Charles, who has Juno 22.5 degree (half semi square) from the midpoint ASC/MC,while the Juno of princess Diana is semi square his Sun/Moon. In Camila Parker-Bowles natal chart, by the way, Juno is 'calling'(not making aspects within 5 degrees of orb or within sign), and that symbolizes how 'marriage' would be 'calling her' at any possible level and how the question of partnership could be 'out of control' in her life.
On the site of Bob Marks you find interpretations for Juno in sign and house. Here is the link...... Of course you have to see the interpretation of Juno and Juno's aspects in the light of the rest of the chart, your character and culture.

donderdag 18 juni 2009
Famous couple: Cecile Brossard and Edouard Stern

On I found the day of birth of Cecile Brossard. She killed her friend, banker Edouard Stern, after a SM-game. On I go further into the murder, but here, on Astrology and Love, I will show you how they did not match, shared aspects (of life and chart) and had a deadly and passionate synastrie.
Did they match? Not at all. They understood each other (Mercury trine Mercury), but there were no matching signs between the other planets and light. They had a different lifestyle (Sun), they had different habits (Moon) and they had different tastes (Venus). They did not even match in sexual cooperation (Mars). Notice that his Jupiter is trine his Sun (for trust) and her Saturn is opposition his Sun (for separation and distance and in this case: for ending - Saturn - his life - Sun-).
His Neptune opposition her Venus
His Venus conjunct her Neptune
His Mars square her Venus
This is THE combination of a passionate love affair. Maybe one day someone makes a movie aboutthe couple or someone writes a book about their unusual, violent and in the end deadly relationship.
If she has the Moon between 21 and 26 degrees (and was born between midnight and 8 in the morning) her Moon is inconjunct Pluto. That is a difficult emotional and psychological aspect. Find out more about this combination of aspects that sometimes includes seeing submission as a way to express love...
WHAT THEY SHARED...SM, game and real...
- Her Mars, rising before the Sun, is sesquisquare Saturn and 75 degrees from Pluto
- His Mars in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is inconjunct Pluto, rising before the Sun. His Pluto is 112.5 degrees from Mars/Saturn. And 112.5 degrees (square and half semi square) form her Mars! So: their oriental planets were connected to each other and the combination of these planets means 'using violence'.
When two people with that theme of Mars-Saturn-Pluto in their charts meet, there is a double risk of sexual violence and murder. They shared the combination of using and abusing power, force, influence and strength.(Mars-Pluto).
Find out more about sharing aspects with your partner, on Astromarkt...
famous couple,
sharing aspects,
maandag 15 juni 2009
Catharina the Great and her young lovers

What in her chart tells us why she had so many young lovers?
a. Venus is conjunct Moon. She needed to be loved and appreciated and had a lust for love. She also had sense of art and loved to educate the people by means of libraries and arts.
b. Venus and the Moon are opposition the Midheaven. That tells us that her sense of beauty (and need for love) was of crucial importance.
c. Venus and the Moon are in Gemini, the sign of 'more than one' and the sign of 'young'.
d. Mars rises before the Sun and is conjunct the Sun in Taurus. This tells us that she is an energetic active lady and not likely to stick to reading novels.
e. There is a Yod with Pluto in the 8th as the apex of a Mars-Saturn-Pluto combination (the combination of the theme of unnatural death). The inconjunction of Mars and Pluto points at disproportionate use and abuse of power and influence (more about Mars and Pluto on my site Astromarkt. The inconjunction of Saturn and Pluto tells us that she was a rather extreme 'die hard'. More about Saturn-Pluto combinations on Astromarkt...
f. The astrological equivalent for 'many' is : Jupiter. This planet is in the 5th house of entertainment, children, pro-creativity and ...lovers.
g. I almost forgot to mention Venus inconjunct Uranus, symbol of disproportionate (inconjunct) adventures (Uranus) in love (Venus) or the outrageous roller coaster:). More about Venus-Uranus on Astromarkt...or on Astropost ('firework in the rollercoaster').
You can see her natal chart on
zaterdag 23 mei 2009
Sun/Moon midpoint synastry

I have a Sun/Moon midpoint square my husband's Sun, too and I know of others who do. More examples:
Her Mars square his Sun/Moon (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt)
Her Mars square his Sun/Moon (Eva Braun and Hitler)
Her Mars semi square his Sun/Moon (Jackie and John F. Kennedy)
His Venus conjunct her Sun/Moon (John and Jackie Kennedy)
His Venus conjucnt her Sun/Moon (Jenifer Aniston and Brad Pitt)
His Sun, her Sun/Moon (Victoria and Albert, see the charts)
His Sun sesquisquare her Sun/Moon (Onassis and Jackie)
Her Saturn square his Sun/Moon (Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard, living separately during many years after about 18 years of marriage)
The Sun/Moon midpoint requires an hour of birth. The position at Noon may be 7 degrees away from the real position of the Moon in a natal chart.
The Sun/Moon midpoint is the equavalent of (Sun + Moon)/2. Of course, to calculate this you need to use the degrees of the 360 degree circle. A Sun in the 10th degree of Taurus is at 40 degrees, a Moon in the 20th degree of Libra is in the 200th degree. The midpoint Sun/Moon of this example combination is at 120 degree (zero Leo).
Famous couple: Harald V and Sonja of Norway

King Harald V and Queen Sonja share a romantic love story. It took them 9 years to convince the father of Harald that he had choosen the right woman to be the next Queen of Norway. He had fallen in love with her big brown eyes from the first moment that he saw her. That is the effect of Venus in Aries. He has Venus inconjunct Neptune, so for a king to be he has a rather disproportionate romantic nature. He fell in love and didn't want nobody else, even if he tried. Let us see if they match:)
His Sun in Pisces, hers in Cancer (match)
His Moon in Cancer (perhaps conjunct hers!) match
His Moon in Cancer, hers in Taurus (match)
His Venus in Aries, hers in Taurus (no match)
His Mars in Scorpio, conjunct hers (match)
His Jupiter in Capricorn (so is hers, match!)
Her Mars is trine his Ascendant.
He met his wife in 1959 when his progressed Sun was conjunct Saturn, ruler of the 7th house of the partner. Her progressed Venus was inconjunct his Mars in that year. Her progressed Mars was trine his progressed Sun and Saturn, his Venus square her progressed Sun. It was too soon, however. Because she was a commoner, it was only on August 29, 1968 that they got married. That must have been the most happy year of his life. He had progressed Moon trine Jupiter and that is the best progression a person can get. His wife had progressed Moon opposition Jupiter. And there was an aspect like in 1959: his progressed Sun and Mars were now trine her Sauturn. All is well that ends well. This year they will celebrate their 41th wedding aniversary! Added with their long 'engagement' they know each other for 50 years now and they are still together.
Read also:
The astrology and timing of meeting a partner (on my site Astromarkt)
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