It is always a pleasure to see an exception when it is about matching (compatible) signs. Queen Victoria's Sun in Gemini was exactly square the Sun in Virgo of her beloved husband Prince Albert. Their sunsigns didn't match. They had 9 children together, so I don't suppose that she didn't like him. But of course: she was the queen and she was the boss! When Sun's don't match it is often a matter of 'who is the boss'. She was, she was the queen.
Also: his Moon in Scorpio is inconjunct her Moon in Gemini! There must have been difficulties to get used to each other's habits and traditions or...unbalancing emotions.
What is the compensation for it? Venus matches Venus (there is a 127.5/128 degree difference, a distance that I consider of importance).
Mars is semisesquisquare Mars (fire!!! and possible fights)
There are a lot of challenging aspects between them and there is little compensation in synastry. His Juno trine her Moon and Midheaven is nice, though. We can see the importance of marriage in her chart: Juno is exactly square the Ascendant
They share aspects and that helps! For example: both have Venus trine Uranus. That means that they shared a sort of an excitement about each other, a repeating sensation of falling in love. They also shared Venus trine Neptune: romantic feelings. And Mars-Jupiter (overproduction?:): she has Mars sextile Jupiter, he has Mars sesquisquare Jupiter.
The chart of Albert and Victoria are a perfect example of not matching signs and the effect of sharing aspects. They were 'lovers as well as partners in a great enterprise' is what I read here...
And that is corresponding with Mars-Jupiter (great enterprise) and Venus-Uranus-Neptune (lovers).
Victoria lost her husband too soon. when that happened progressed Venus was square natal Mars and in the progressed chart Moon was square Midheaven. A very important indication of what was to happen is in the solar return chart: Sun square Saturn and Neptune on Midheaven.
BTW Ceres is conjunct Moon on the Ascendant of Queen Victoria in line with the importance of motherhood/dynasty.
Lets not for a minute suppose they got on - They fought continuously.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAnd she was an absolute narcissist, hardly surprising given Venus in Aires and Mars conjunct north node in Aires. And he was desperate for power. Lots of sex maybe, but all was not what it seems.
I would say her 'obsession' with him after her death was more about maintaining an image. It also gave her endless excuses for evading what she didnt want to do and being as self absorbed as possible.
And that New Moon/sun Gemini is not exactly shy and retiring.
All about image.